One of Eco Decor's core values is already mentioned in the company's name - eco-friendliness. As a family business, it is extremely important for us to ensure that our production is environmentally friendly and sustainable for future generations. However, our company values include much more, such as responsibility, domesticity, sustainability and, most importantly, quality products. In this blog post, we want to give you an insight into the background of our company and the choices we have made to develop our business.


An environmental perspective on sustainability

All our products are made from high quality and Finnish birch plywood. We can be sure that the materials come from well-managed forests and have not damaged valuable natural habitats.Plywood comes from a supplier who shares our values of responsible forest management. The wood material comes from sustainable sources, usually in southern or eastern Finland. Up to 75% of the wood comes from certified forests, meaning that the forests have been sustainably managed according to laws and regulations.The most commonly used certificates are FSC and PEFC, both of which are also used for the plywood used by Eco Decor.

All our products are made in Helsinki to order. We don't have a stock of our products, so we can be sure that all our products will be used and we won't have any extra waste. Orders are designed individually and then handcrafted. So every product goes through a rigorous screening process to ensure the uniformity of our products.


Economic responsibility

One of the financial responsibilities is that the company's growth is not based on destroying natural wealth. It is important for us to strive to replace disposable decorations and plastic products with wood solutions to offer a better alternative for the eco-conscious decorator. The Eco Decor business model is based on the idea that the company can continue to operate sustainably into the future. Therefore, value creation is not based on maximum exploitation of natural resources, but on creativity and thus adding value for customers. We recycle simple and eco-friendly materials into beautiful and unique products for our customers.


Economic responsibility

One of the financial responsibilities is that the company's growth is not based on destroying natural wealth. It is important for us to strive to replace disposable decorations and plastic products with wood solutions to offer a better alternative for the eco-conscious decorator. The Eco Decor business model is based on the idea that the company can continue to operate sustainably into the future. Therefore, value creation is not based on maximum exploitation of natural resources, but on creativity and thus adding value for customers. We recycle simple and eco-friendly materials into beautiful and unique products for our customers.


Our principles of social responsibility

Our priority is always to satisfy our customers and fulfill their wishes. Our business idea is based on customised and designed work so each product is made to order. We want  to develop  our products to better meet the customer's wishes and perceptions in order to achieve the best possible result. We are proud of the feedback we have received from our customers, which has been very positive.

Networking is also an important part of our business. We work a lot with influencers to make our products known to as many people as possible, and also give our influencers' followers the opportunity to try our products through prize draws. We also try to increase our activity in social media, and last year, for example, we took part in the Pink Ribbon Collection for the first time.

To sum up, we do our best for sustainable development. We welcome feedback, suggestions and ideas from you, our  dear customers, because your opinions are valuable and we are keep working hart and developing in the future.

What our customers say about us

Laatu ja tuote erinomainen


Laatu ja tuote erinominen. Ylimääräinen plussa kotimaisuudesta.


- Minna

Huippu asiakaspalvelu ja tuotteet

Tilauksen tehtyä asiakaspalvelu toimi moiteettomasti ja pidettiin ajan tasalla. Ystävällinen ja asiantunteva asiakaspalvelu. Tuottee olivat aivan ihania ja juuri sellaisia kuin piti! Kiitos paljon!

- Piia

Ihana palvelu


Ihana palvelu! Sain vastauksen instagramin kautta myös myöhään illalla. Tuotteet aina priimaa 👌 lämmin suositus


- Riina Nurminen

Nopeaa, laadukasta ja täsmällistä!

Tuote saapui huikeassa parissa päivässä ja oli laadukkaasti valmistettu ja juuri tilatun mukainen!

- Miia

Kaunis tuote

Kaunis tuote, mahtava asiakaspalvelu ja erittäin nopea toimitus! 6/5 😍

- Sara Klemets

Tilaukseni käsiteltiin nopeasti

Tilaukseni käsiteltiin nopeasti, ystävällistä palvelua ja tuote vastasi täysin odotuksiani ja oli aivan ihana. Kiitos erinomaisesta työstä!

- Camilla

Laatu ja tuote erinomainen


Laatu ja tuote erinomainen. Ylimääräinen plussa kotimaisuudesta.


- Minna

Huippu asiakaspalvelu ja tuotteet!

Tilauksen tehtyä asiakaspalvelu toimi moiteettomasti ja pidettiin ajan tasalla. Ystävällinen ja asiantunteva asiakaspalvelu. Tuottee olivat aivan ihania ja juuri sellaisia kuin piti! Kiitos paljon!

- Piia

Ihana palvelu

Ihana palvelu! Sain vastauksen instagramin kautta myös myöhään illalla. Tuotteet aina priimaa 👌 lämmin suositus

- Riina Nurminen

Nopeaa, laadukasta ja täsmällistä!

Tuote saapui huikeassa parissa päivässä ja oli laadukkaasti valmistettu ja juuri tilatun mukainen!

- Miia

Kaunis tuote

Kaunis tuote, mahtava asiakaspalvelu ja erittäin nopea toimitus! 6/5 😍

- Sara Klemets

Tilaukseni käsiteltiin nopeasti

Tilaukseni käsiteltiin nopeasti, ystävällistä palvelua ja tuote vastasi täysin odotuksiani ja oli aivan ihana. Kiitos erinomaisesta työstä!

- Camilla


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