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Picla Design

Crocheted soft toy with sleep sheet

Crocheted soft toy with sleep sheet

Regular price €64.00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €64.00 EUR
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This crochet soft toy with both a stiffly crocheted animal figure and a soft rag section. The animal figure measures approximately 18 x 11 cm and the rag piece measures approximately 30 x 30 cm. The product is CE marked, suitable for children.

The crocheted soft toy with a sleep sheet is one of Picla Desig's soft toy animal figures and each product is different and unique. You can choose the animal character and the colour. You can find the colour options in the last picture. Would your child like a cuddly toy that looks just like your own pet? You can customize the character you want!

Material and product information: 100% cotton. Hand washing in 30°C. CE mark.


Please write wishes regarding the animal  and the sleep linen in the comment field Choose the color and the bed sheet separately from the available color options. You can also choose more than one color for the linen, as shown in the product images. 


Products are made  to order in approximately 7-10 working days. The total cost of packaging and delivery is 6,90€. If your shopping cart contains only Picla Baby products, your parcel will be delivered by a courier service.

Made by Picla Design in Finland.




Tuotteen valmistusaika on noin 2–5 päivää.

Tuote pakataan huolellisesti ja postitetaan postipakettina, joten saatte aina seurantakoodin. Pakkaus- ja toimituskulut ovat 6,90 €.

Eco Decor Oy on muuttanut Helsingistä Lappeenrantaan, joten nouto Sienitieltä ei ole enää saatavilla 1.2.2025 lähtien.

Valmistamme ja postitamme tilauksesi nopeasti, jos lisäät tilauksen yhteydessä tiedon toivotusta toimituspäivästä tai päivämäärän tulevasta juhlasta.


100% Kotimainen koivuvaneri

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Kotimainen tuotanto vuodesta 2018

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