The world is changing and so are we. Not every change is welcomed, but every change brings an opportunity. Now we have an opportunity to look at life from a different angle. We have a chance to change something about ourselves, our environment and maybe even about the world.
Our live is filled with action, daily work trips, visiting friends on weekends. We used to visit restaurants, museums and parks. We travel a lot to other countries. Now without all those things it might feel empty. Some of us take the situation negatively, some of us try to stay positive and fit new circumstances. We believe that this moment is a good opportunity. It is a good chance to finally spend more time with our families, to remember what is really essential. We can use those unwanted changes as a first step to a new life.
We can take a break and think deeply about everything that happens around us. How many times before we felt unsatisfied about not having enough time for the most important people - kids, spouses, partners, parents? How often have we made an excuses that now there is no time for our favorite hobby due to a busy day? Or we didn't have enough energy to create, to meditate, to make our homes cozy? Or how many times it seemed like we can't find a right moment for a heart-to-heart talk with our loved ones or just to enjoy playing with our kids?